Wednesday 13 March 2019

3 Ways To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is ever-changing, meaning the strategies from the past may not be as effective as they once were. So, if you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you need to constantly make improvements to your strategies.

Unsure of how to proceed? Take a look at the three ways you can improve your digital marketing strategy.

Provide value

Providing value should be one of the tenets of your digital marketing strategy. While having quality products or services is important for revenue, it’s the value you provide that helps you retain a loyal customer base.

Ways you can provide value to your audience include:

Get to know your audience.

The first step in providing value to your audience is familiarising yourself with them. Get to know them, and learn what they need as well as what they don’t want.

You can engage with them on social media or you can conduct email surveys. Use the data from these communications to determine how you can give prospective customers what they want.

Stop trying to “sell.”

Avoid creating content for the sole purpose of promoting your products and services. Focus on helping your audiences by providing them with actionable information.

For example, let’s say you’re brainstorming new content for your travel and hospitality business. Don’t write a blog post that tells your customer why they should use your services: Instead, publish a blog post that talks about travel tips.

Remember, outbound marketing tactics without value are no longer acceptable in today’s marketing landscape. Digital marketing is about improving customer experience and building long-lasting relationships.

A/B test your emails.

If email marketing is part of your digital marketing strategy, then you need to do A/B testing.

Basically, A/B testing happens when you send one email variation (A) to a subset of your subscribers and then send another email variation (B) to another subset of subscribers. It is an important aspect of email marketing because it shows you which elements of your email work and which ones don’t.

Here are some A/B tests you should do in order to fully leverage the power of your emails.

Subject lines

  • Test the length of your subject lines. Does your open rate increase on short subject lines or long subject lines?
  • Test different topics to determine what type of content interests different segments of your list.
  • Test various offers to see which ones convert the most. You can offer discounts, free shipping, or free complementary items.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

  • Test whether you get more clicks from a CTA button or a plain hypertext link.
  • Test generic copy versus benefit-focused copy (“Click Here” vs. “Get My Free eBook Today”).
  • Test different colors and see which one gets the most clicks.

Time of sending

  • Do your subscribers engage with your emails more on weekdays or weekends?
  • Are your subscribers active in the morning? In the afternoon? Or at night?

These are just a few simple A/B tests you can try. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your own tests and use the information you gather to design the best possible emails. For an easier time, you can try using email templates.


When it comes to digital marketing, it’s best to not put all your efforts into a single channel. Although email marketing has the best ROI of all channels, you should still make it a point to diversify your digital marketing strategies.

You can do content marketing by regularly publishing high-quality, insightful blog posts. You can also engage with customers on social media by maintaining and actively posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you have the budget for it, you can take advantage of an email marketing service that enables you to better serve your customers with perks like email automation, email design, and list segmentation.

By diversifying your digital marketing, you can greatly expand your reach a variety of different channels.

Wrap up

Keep these tips in mind as you and your team brainstorm new strategies. No matter what you sell or what industry you serve, these pointers will definitely help you build better relationships with your customers, gain trust, and reach a larger audience.

The post 3 Ways To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy appeared first on Priority Pixels.

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